The holiday knitting season starts
So, I've been knitting for a while now, trying to get caught up on stuff for holiday gifts.
Here's the first set of gifts I've got done.

is an accurate colour representation and

is a close up shot of the cabling on the band of the hat, which, if I'm being honest, is the most exciting part of the hat. I was so bored during those nine inches of stockinette stitch that I honestly would've much rather have been doing something else entirely, but I finished it and I can honestly say that I'll never be knitting that pattern again, no matter how adorable the results were. The gloves weren't nearly as boring as a) they're a pattern I've knit about six times now and will be knitting again as soon as I finish the socks I'm working on and b) there were increases to keep my attention.
Hopefully, Hik will like her gifts as opposed to the giant hat I knit her last year that I'm sure she never wears because it's so giant. I've learned about using that yarn for anything stretchy and while it was perfect for the scarf I knit her two years ago, but not so much for a hat.
A scarf, mind you, that was a lot of fun, y'know for a scarf. Because I haven't posted pictures of it

is the scarf she got two years ago, which admittedly doesn't match the hat and gloves she's about to get, but I doubt that matters too much mostly since she said it doesn't matter too much because she doesn't worry about matching anyway.
Next up is a pair of socks for Shan and then a hat and glove set for Frost. Exciting? Yes, I should think so.
I'm almost done with the cuff on one sock, which is being made interesting by two cables on the back. I don't know how I'm going to get through the monotony of knitting the foot, but there you have it.
Labels: finished knitting, frost, hik, shan
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